01 January, 2012


This was part of MY house. Just mine it was.
Oh, for my SeaGod! I see it now, here! One of the one and only sides of what was MY house. My lonely house. I’m not going to cry. Crabs don’t cry.
And, where would the other side, the other part, be? SeaGod knows!
They are both abandoned, and with no occupancy expectations. In the hands of luck, fate and man. An ashtray, a piece of decoration... But no life in it. Not anymore. Not anytime. Not anyway...
The walls of my recollections they are. My sailing, that unfathomable sea, that endless sand, my unbelievable world...  I still can feel it.
I was attached to them. One my bed, the other my door. Poor house of mine! Poor me! Carried them with me proudly but humbly. From here to there. Come on, crabby, let’s go! Taking care of it all the time, my little time. Eating and keeping a bit of this, a bit of that... Knowing about its protection, its strong value. My shelter, but knowing I’m just a wee tiny part of the Universe.
Then my time passed and took me to that nowhere land of crabs’ spirits. Food for the fish.
And then waves and more waves... Those enormous and glorious waves which brought that side of my life to yours, to your hands, to your house, to your world.
And now, can you promise me something? Promise that you will keep this as a treasure. That you will take care of it. I promise it will bring you the best of luck. 
And remember that from now on this is your shell, The Shell of Your Life.

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