08 November, 2007

A man and a woman

A man and a woman,
a small different world
far away from the rest of the universe.
Talking about important things,
without giving importance to other things.
Kissing each other without asking
who cares about their love.

Two people in love,
making a special feeling
which no-one else could ever participate in.
Embraced soul and body,
tied to a single spirit
that trembles in one unique passion.

A man and a woman,
radiating happiness,
smiling at life.
Walking in step,
with the same rhythm,
and a particular emotion.

Two people building an earthly paradise,
heaven and hell are gone.
Without knowing how to explain
the beauty their passion breathes.

A man and a woman in love,
until time forgets
the flame that one day lit
two lives to thaw
freezing loneliness.

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