08 October, 2009

Gray is not a sad color

Fresh dreams over the castle. Cleaning my thoughts. Bustle in the café. Melancholy in my tea.
I’ve just lit a new cigar. Trying to forget. Taking my time. Life is not difficult indeed. A children’s game if you look at it from the top.
I can imagine you there. Holding that flag, smiling for me. Smiling at the world.
It’s raining.
Looking at you. You are fluttering the cloth. Laughing now.
Drops on the window.
Life-tears in my soul.
Gray is not a sad color. Is it? Only the reflection gets in your eyes.
Come here. Toss your inhibitions. Kiss the hell out of me.
Let’s feel the glow. Take it easy nena. Nothing is really serious. Play the game. Smoke from me. Light my fire. Come down from the castle. It’s freezing out there. Make me alive.
Come about me. Let the flag on its own. It will wave to us. Put your hands on me. Hold me tight. Make me feel. Take all the colors and paint my life. Our passion will be energy enough for more than one rainbow. Let me paint yours.

I don’t want to dream anymore. Reality, please.

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